new year, not so new me?

I hate New Years Eve and New Years in general. I feel like it makes people so performative and fake. I don’t know if that makes much sense, but to me it does. I think I particularly hate this New Years because I’m turning eighteen and graduating this year. I feel like such a kid. Like I’m not ready to graduate and “start my life.” Then I look at the kids around me (and I know, I know, comparison is the thief of joy…) and I feel so juvenile in comparison to them. Like I look too young (I promise I’m not trying to flex!) and I’m also not in a rush to grow up and be “adult” and do “adult” things like so many people around me. 

To add fire to the fuel. I don’t know where I’m going to college yet. I have a couple ideas, but in the grand scheme of things I am utterly clueless. With this new year, I feel not so brand new. How about you?

With Love,
